» Boxer

Basic Features

Boxer "the most beautiful ugly dog" has been defined. It is very good-natured and loyal dog. Not hatred, is good with children. Easy to train.
Box is not a durable dog. Usually they do not live up to 10 years of age. Caught rheumatism. Therefore, it should not be taken for a walk on rainy days. Teeth often require veterinary care.

What would it do?

Boxer in police activity, as well as guard dog, guard and used as a guide for the blind. More importantly, the move cute and live with a friend as a great value. Tolerant, the player is a dog. However, there is skepticism towards foreigners. I enjoy exercise, it should be removed to frequent long walks.


Officially, the first time took part in a Flemish weaving. However, this may be due to the artist's imagination, because the boxer of that period were not yet available. Bulldog was developed by interbreeding with Bullenbeisser Mastiff in Munich in 1850 this breed. The first of these terms were used in hunting; the second is to fight bulls. These savage instincts of their ancestors are thought to originate from the past.
However, intelligent dog breeders, animal goes wild features have, to some extent, the dog's appearance had softened somewhat. This type of body lines and perfection of character, completed in 1896, was established the same year and the first boxer club.
Boxer breed dogs are the same up and down with the basic origins and characteristics are divided into several species of their own. These differences can be observed as one of the most significant hair color.Boxer stripes, basic color, is the same as Boxer'in. However, there are lines surrounding the whole body along the ribs. Personality and other characteristics are the same.
Brown Boxer, Boxer was born in and effort to obtain the striped Boxer break. Black mask should cover only the nose on your face or gives a scary look. Personality and other characteristics are the same.

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